Template Editor for Mass Email Campaigns Follow
The new Mass Email Campaign Template Editor allows Propertybase CRM users to create professional and responsive email templates for Mass Email Campaigns without any coding knowledge. Through a simple drag and drop interface, users can create a template design inline with their brokerage branding by building content blocks, adding images, text, hyperlinks, customizing color schemes, and more!
Note: This new feature is only for Mass Email Campaigns.
Note: This feature is only available with version 1.592 and above. If you need help updating to the current version, click here and this article will walk you through the update process.
NEW in v1.621: Font Size and Line Spacing have been added to the Text Building Block
NEW in v1.626: New setting options have been added to the Header Building Block
Table of Contents
Creating Templates
List of Templates
When you're ready to begin creating email templates, select the Email Template tile in the Marketing Center.
Here you will see the MJML templates that you may select from (all published templates). From this page, you can also use the drop-down to select:
- Edit- To make changes to any published template.
- Unpublished- To remove a published template from use and place it in draft mode.
- Archive- To remove a template from use (these are not editable and cannot be sent out).
- Make Copy- Copy an existing template for use.
- Delete- Remove template permanently.
Creating a new template
Once into the Template Editor, you will see the following:
To create a new template, click New Mass Email Campaign Template
Copying an existing template
Using the drop-down to the right you can select Make Copy. This opens a copy of the previously used template in edit mode for you to make changes. Using the copy function is recommended as it provides you with a standard Header and Footer previously created.
Now you can move on to Customizing your template!
Note: should you see "Clone" instead, DO NOT use that, but replace it with "Make Copy" on the Email Campaign page layout in Object Manager
Table of Contents
Customizing your new template
Once Make Copy or New is selected the system will take you through 4 stages while creating your template. These stages are broken down into Information, Settings, Layout, and Content as you'll see below.
Throughout the Email Template Editor, you will see that along the top center we have used the same icons to select either mobile view, standard view or to render the template to see how it will look once complete.
This section consists of naming or renaming the Template (depending on whether you are creating a new template or copying and editing an existing template) and adding a template description.
In the Settings section, you can change the background color.
Changing the Background Color in this section will change the color of the background outside the Header, Body, and Footer of the email:
You can also set the Default Font, Font Size and Line Spacing here, which will be used throughout the entire template.
There have also been new settings for Font added to the Text building block:
Edit Font Stack (new)
You can adjust the fonts available in the dropdown for Default Fonts and on the Text Building Block by adding the setting: "mjml_font_stacks" (Name and Key) with the following Value to Settings (click here to see how). You can then adjust the names of the font stacks (name) and fonts in the font stack (values) according to your preferences.
Value for Setting:
[{ "name": "Helvetica", "value": "Ubuntu, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif" }, { "name": "Georgia", "value": "Georgia, serif" }, { "name": "Times New Roman", "value": "Times New Roman, Times, serif" }, { "name": "Roboto", "value": "Roboto, sans-serif" }, { "name": "Lato", "value": "Lato, sans-serif" }, { "name": "Droid Sans", "value": "Droid Sans, sans-serif" }]
The Layout section is the most robust of the four sections in the Email Template Editor. Here you can use a drag and drop editor to add section(s) within your template. The editable sections of the template here are the Header, Footer and multiple column sections.
In each of the sections, you can select the “Linked” toggle to link and unlink the padding so they may be adjusted individually.
Header component:
Here you can select an image. Images will be expanded to 100% of the uploaded size so it is important that the uploaded size is the size you wish to use.
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