If you are not currently publishing to portals, you must start with the instruction in this article Australian Portals - How to correct Enable the Portals Help file.
To view common Listing Portal feed errors, please refer to the Australian Portals - How to correct Portal feed errors Help file.
These questions are not in any particular order. Search the screen using Control+F [CTRL+F] to find the keyword.
Q1) This listing is not allowed to be published to Portals.
For each Propertybase Listing that you wish to publish to the Portal, ensure System allowed for Portals is ticked on the listing details. Ticking this field turns on validation rules to ensure that you have the required data on the Listing record before you publish the listing to the portal.
Q2) REA Listing feeds are not pushing to the Portals. What do I need to do?
Realestate.com.au has special ID requirements to be able to push Listings to their Portal. So make sure each Listing has a unique ID in the Portal Unique ID field. It is recommended to have this field set to the Record ID for each Listing by default.
Q3) None of my Property Listings are being pushed to my Portals. What do I need to do?
- Confirm the Portal has authorised Propertybase as your XML Portal feed provider
- The unique Agency ID is set in Propertybase
- For each Propertybase Listing that you wish to publish to the Portal, ensure System allowed for Portals is ticked and in the Listing > Portals tab click Publish for the Portals you wish to publish the Listing to
- To refresh the feed and send all active Listings to the Portal again, go to the Propertybase Portal record and edit and save the record and this will send all of the active Listings to the Portal.
If you experience any further issues, contact the Portals via the below details;
Domain XML specs support@domain.com.au
REA XMLspecs https://help.realestate.com.au/hc/en-us/requests/new
Q4) Where in Propertybase can I view the Listings that have been pushed to the Portal?
You may view details such as active portal feeds, update history, external portal IDs, et al, in a couple of different areas in Propertybase. This layout is cusomtizable.
- On the Portals tab, click the portal's name to view which listings are active/inactive on that portal.
- On the Listing, go to the Related list to find the same selected fields.
Q5) How do I know when the Listing was last updated?
On the Listing, go to the Related list to the list of Listed on These Portals. There is a Last Updated date on each record. If nothing appears in this list refresh the page or refer to Q3.
Q6) Updating the Listing Agent details & Multiple Listing Agents
The XML feed supports up to two Listing Agents details.
Listing Agent details: if the listing agent #2 does not have an agency ID, it is assumed that the agent is from the same office. And if the listing agent #2 does have an agency ID, then it is assumed that the agent #2 is a conjunction agent.
Listing Agents #3and #4 can also be added. If you would like to auto-populate the Listing Agent's details based on their User Profile record, you can use workflows to update these fields for you.
Q7) The Listing Agent Photo is not displaying correctly on the Listing.
The XML feed does not control the Listing Agent photo for Real Estate Portals (only for Web Listings to your website).
Login to your Portal and check the Agent's Profile and the Listing details are an exact match as described in this REA Help article;
Q8) How does my Sold/Leased information get published?
Portals request the sold/Leased price, but this can be withheld on request.
If the field `Price on Request` is ticked then we don't publish the Sold/Rented price.
If the field `Price on Request` is not ticked then we publish the Sold/Rented price.
Q9) How can I change the displayed Listing Price?
The XML feed will use Listing Price as a default.
If you wish to hide the Listing price for the published feed or display text such as "Price from $600K-$650K" then you will need to use the "Price on Request" or the "Display Price" field.
"Price on Request" field this will simply hide the Listing Price and display "Price on Request" by default.
When you enter text in the "Display Price" field, the Display Price will be published (irrespective of whether you have the Price on Request ticked).
Q10) My pictures are not shown on the Portal.
Check that you have ticked the PORTAL FEED checkbox next to the picture in the listing media manager.
The first image in a set of images may not be a PDF.
Q11) How can videos be made live on the Portal?
Refer to this article on managing media. There is a tab for Adding Links: Managing Images & Media
If your video is a virtual tour, modify the picklist on the PropertyMedia object to include the tag for Virtual Tour, then be sure to tag this media item.
Q12) How do I add my Open for Inspection times?
There is a Related list on the listing record where you can add your inspection times to the listing. This data feeds to portals.
Inspection Times field `pba_ausfields__Inspection_Times__c`on the Listing should not be on the page layout. This is a system field. The Inspections need to be added to the Related list and titled Inspections.
Q13) What are the file requirements for Floorplans for the REA Portal?
To successfully upload a floorplan to the REA Portal, the file must be a jpg, gif or png image. The floorplan can not be uploaded to the REA Portal as a pdf, as this is a requirement from Realestate.com.au.
Also only 2 floorplans are allowed per Property. See the below link for more details;
Q14) How often is my Listing published?
It totally depends on the portals. We have "real-time" connections so every "save" on the listing will update the portal. But we have also portals, who just update once every 10 minutes.
Q15) I set up portals but have received an XML error. What do I do?
Q16) Which portals are for which type of agencies?
Agency |
Residential |
Commercial |
REA Group |
realestate.com.au |
RealCommercial |
Domain |
Domain.com.au |
CommercialRealEsate (CRE) |
Domain |
Allhomes Rental and Sale |
N/A |
CommercialView |
view.com.au |
commercialVIEW.com.au |
Q17) Consumer Affairs Victoria requires he following for each residential property we are engaged to sell: IM, Signed Authority, Statement of Information (Victoria). How do I upload those?
Q18) What are these fields for: Property Type 2 & Property Type 3?
These are fields in the AU country add-on package.
These are picklists added only for commercial listings, as they are the ones commerical feeds usually use. If you are not maintaining a commercial listing, these fields should not be on the page layout.
Q19) How do I use the multiple listings feature?
There is a checkbox field Is Multiple. Add it to the page layout for Sale & Lease record types only.
When Is Multiple is ticked, you must include the price range and area range:
pba_ausfields__Listing_Price_From__c |
pba_ausfields__Listing_Price_To__c |
pba_ausfields__Rent_From__c |
pba_ausfields__Rent_To__c |
pba_ausfields__Size_From__c |
pba_ausfields__Size_To__c |
Refer to this REA specifications for further details: https://partner.realestate.com.au/documentation/reaxml/elements/
Q20) I uploaded a file but when I try to view it, I receive an error (e.g. "failed to load resource" or "forbidden")
Check the name of the media file. Avoid using special characters. Remove the file. Rename the file without special characters. Upload the renamed file.
Q21) The Display Price is not displaying correctly and is showing "Awaiting Price Guide".
As of the 03/12/18 REA has changed the relationship between display price and search price. This change is inline with their Acceptable Use policy. If the Listing is uploaded with a Display price outside of the 10% search price, the display price will be removed and replaced with "Awaiting Price Guide". This is a prompt for you to correct the Display Price. Once corrected the Listing will be displayed as normal.
Q22) I have entered the Auction details on the Sale Listing, however the Auction details are not being sent to the Portal.
Check that you have updated the "Authority" field to select the "Sale by Auction" picklist value.
Q23) The Deposit Taken status is not displaying correctly on Realestate.com.au
If you are publishing rental listings to Realestate.com.au, now once you create an Offer in Propertybase and the Offer progresses to an exclusive Offer (usually Reserved or Contracted/Conditional Offer status), Propertybase will send the deposit taken status to REA.
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