Sharing Data in Propertybase Part 3- Sharing Rules OK. So now that we have our role hierarchy set up and our organization-wide default set, now we need to understand how can we make exceptions. OK? Before we move on, I do want to take a second to point out the contextual help here. This is standard functionality, as well as in any edition. So you have a lot of options here in the default contextual help, as well as out there with a quick Google of security or sharing settings inside of salesforce or So now that we've got everything set up for our roles and our defaults, we want to make our exceptions. And how do we know what exceptions to make? Let's just go back to the PowerPoint slide that I created. And actually, in this case, I just want to share one rule to illustrate how we can do this between the rental manager and the sales manager. Maybe they want to share records and have a little bit of competition between themselves-- who can get the most out of their team. So let's say, for instance, we want to do contacts. So the sharing rules are just right underneath the organization-wide defaults, which is in the Set up and then Sharing settings section. If we scroll down the page a little bit, you can see there are context sharing roles right here. And we click on New. And we want to give it a label. So we're going to say, sales managers, share-- try to make it descriptive so we know what it does going forth. Now we have two types here-- based on record owner, which is going to be the most common based on who owns the record. Or we can share something based on criteria of records. Just like creating a view-- if we want to share records when, for instance, they have an email address or any sort of field that you want to share something based off of, you can base sharing off of criteria instead of purely record ownership. It's actually a really handy feature to open up access for certain specific sets of data that may not need to share everything. But usually, in this case, we want to share everything. And we're going to go into Based on record owner. And so that means who owns the record is going to determine the sharing. So we want to say the contacts when they're owned by roles and subordinates-- now there's a couple options here-- public groups which we can create in another section. We can share with a group if there's an account teams or something like that that you wanted to share with. We can set up a public group for that. The roles, which is very specific, which says that these two people can see each other's data-- that's all. Or there's roles and subordinates, which means that these two people can see their data and everything below them. In this case, let's say, roles and subordinates. And we will say, the rental manager. And who do we want to share it with in step four? Let's say, roles because we want to share this only with the sales manager. All right? Now the next step is very important because that lets us know what that person can do with those bits of data. So in this case, we want read-only because we don't want people going in and changing each other's records. And we click on Save. And this tells us this is going to take time. Again, sometimes if you have a lot of data in there, it does have to recalculate the sharing, but usually doesn't take too long. In my case, I don't have very much data in There. So it gets us right away. OK. So now we have owner in roles and subordinates rental manager shares with the role sales manager. All right. So what does that get us? That gets us the role and subordinate of rental manager-- this data is shared with this guy. But this isn't both ways yet, so we have to write another one exactly the same way. So we would go back, and we would say, sales manager shares based on record owner. Again, roles and subordinates of sales manager share with the role of rental manager. And they have read-only access. Click on Save. Again, it tells us it might take some time. And we're all good. So we have now a list of our rules, who shares with what. We can create new ones. You can get pretty creative with these based on the criteria-based sharing. And obviously, we might need to share some closings. We might need to share some listings with other people, offers. So keep in mind-- you might have a pretty full plate of sharing settings you may need to create based on your organization's level of access. You can see up here-- again, I want to point you to the criteria-based sharing rules. We looked at that a second ago. If you're interested in that, that's a great place to go. So that's a little overview about how to set up sharing in your property-based organization.
What are sharing rules?
Sharing rules let you open up access to records which would otherwise be restricted based on your role hierarchy or organization wide defaults. Sharing rules can be setup based on record criteria or record ownership. It's important to remember that sharing rules can only be used to open up access to records, not to further restrict the access to records.
Why are sharing rules important?
Sharing rules are important to share the correct data with the people who need it. Setting these up is the final step to configuring Propertybase to follow the data sharing model that suits your business.
To recap on the videos series check out Part 1 or Part 2 .
What if I have multiple sharing rules to add?
Depending on your organizations structure multiple sharing rules may need to be added. This can be done be the mass using the Apex Data Loader . You are able to add the sharing rules for standard and custom objects. Standard objects consist of Contacts and Companies, while custom objects are Requests, Listings, Properties, Offers and Closings.
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