Sharing Data in Propertybase - Part 1 | Roles [MUSIC PLAYING] So, I'm going to go into a little more detail as far as how data security works and how to use propertybase with roles. And there'll be a couple follow up videos to this about sharing rules and organization-wide security defaults. But this video, the point of this, is to introduce you to how roles affect data sharing. And if you haven't already, it might be a good idea to check out the roles video that I've made earlier to just illustrate what a role is, in case you're not familiar with that term. So, basically what a role is, is a position in your company. And the best way to get started with this, and what I always do with folks, is sketch it out. And I usually use a piece of paper and a pencil, so I can make notes and erase things as the situation evolves. But for illustrative purposes here, I've put this on a PowerPoint slide. So, in our example here, which is admittedly very, very minimal, this is sort of the prototypical company with the management at the top, marketing as a middle layer, or it could be a back office layer, who might run off contracts or something, and then a management layer for the operations for sales and rentals. And then there's the agents. Now, what's important here is to understand that the person at the top of the role can see every be a bit of data that's underneath them. And that's just how the application is set up. So, there's not much we can do to affect that, in the rare case that we would want to. But one thing that I want to point out is I use arrows to sort of illustrate which way the data flows. So, we can see that it's always flowing down. But in this case here, we want to say that the Rentals Manager and Sales Manager can see each other's data. So, we have to have an exception for that. And we'll cover that in a further video about sharing roles. So, basically, what we want to do when we're thinking of our roles, like I said, just sketch it out and then go back to propertybase. And we go down to the Admin Setup, into the Roles menu. And once we get into the Roles menu, you can see that there's a hierarchy. So, it's important to pay attention to how these relationships are set up. And you can see that you can add roles, edit them, or assign them to individual users from here. So, I've already set it up to reflect clearly who reports to whom in this situation. You can see the management team's on the top. There's the Marketing Manager, the Rental Manager, the Sales Manager, and underneath the Rental and the Sales Manager, there's Sales and Rentals Reps. So, it reflects accurately our diagram we've set up. And it's pretty easy to set these up, and it's pretty simple. So, the next video will be focusing on how this data flows and how we can open up or restrict who sees what in this data.
What are roles?
While we have already looked at roles in Propertybase, this video will focus on the implications for data security. Roles control the flow of data. By default, the data is visible to all roles above the record owner. Roles are assigned to users according to their position in your organization.
Why are roles important?
Setting your roles up correctly is the first step to creating the sharing model you need. By setting your roles up correctly, you can then finish out the setup with organization wide defaults and sharing rules you can get access to records to those who need it.
Please continue this video series with: Controlling Data Sharing in Propertybase – Part 2 | Organization Wide Defaults
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