Building Stack Follow
Organizing and visualizing spaces within a building has become simple with the Building Stack. This feature allows real estate agencies to construct a building hierarchy (building, floors, units), which enables agents to easily work with and find the listings that matter in the moment.
The Building Stack consists of a customized page, which displays a building record with every single unit found within it. This facilitates the organization of your data and its visualization. Lets take a glance at the feature and its functionality.
Accessing the building stack can be done either by clicking the "Building Stack" button on:
- The main property record
- The detail page of the record in the Property Browser
The following image shows the the initial view of the Building Stack:
Upon entering the Building Stack the first item displayed is the building record information or in Propertybase terminology the Master Property. The image displayed is the main image associated to the website found on the Property Media Manager. The blue button "View Full Property Record" on the far right will direct the user to the main record page within the Property Browser.
All fields displayed in this building section are those found on the Page Layout of the salesforce property record. This means that editing the property records page layout will modify the fields visible in the Building Stack.
The Building Stack continues by scrolling down. Here all of the units that are found related to this master property record will appear. By default they are grouped by the floor they are found in the building. The floor is a field found on each of the unit records. The following image dispalys the units:
The units section can be divided in to four major parts:
1. Advanced Filtering
Upon clicking the blue button "Advanced Filtering" a pop up section will appear in screen:
- Colorize by - This section allows the user to colorize units by a specific field found on the units listing. By default the fields for colorizing by are Status, Lease Expiration Date, Listing Price, Type and Amount/Month. When selecting one of these fields the values within those fields are then segment by a range of values depending on field type. In the example provided, the Status field is colorized by Active, In Preparation, Reserved, Blocked and Closed. In this matter the users can easily differentiate listing units by the color the adopt. This section can be customized and custom fields and color ranges can be defined via the "colorization pattern" setting in the Building Stack Settings. Fields can be added either from the unit property or listing record.
- Group by - This section groups the units by the field select from the dropdown. By default the grouping fields available are Floor, Status, Lease Expiration Date and Type. This section can be customized and custom fields and color ranges can be defined via the "group by fields" setting in the Building Stack Settings. Fields can be added either from the unit property or listing record. In addition the user can choose wether the groups are sorted in ascending or descending matter.
2. Mass Actions
Mass Actions can be used once an user selects at least one unit in the Build Stack:
On the right hand side of this section the number of selected units appears in grey. By clicking the blue "Select all" link all units will be added for the mass action. Clicking "Unselect all" will in turn deselect all listings.
The blue button "Create Listings" allows users to create multiple listings for units at once. This saves the user time from creating each listing individually.
The blue button "Send Email" will take the select listings from the building stack and merge them into the Send Wizard where they will be ready to send to any contact or group of contacts in the system.
3. Groups
As mentioned above, by default all units are grouped by the field Floor. Using the Advanced Filtering "Group by" section the units can be grouped by the available fields.
The amount of units found in this group can be seen in grey next to the title of the group. By click the "Select group" link, all units from this group will be selected and a mass action can be done against them.
On the far right the "Top" link will take the user back to the top of the building stack. This link is useful when a building has multiple groups to avoid excessive scrolling.
4.Unit Details
With in a group units are found. Each unit displays unique information specific to its record.
The fields available with this section are customizable and can be defined via the "child property fields" setting in the Building Stack Settings. The last field in the section, Listings, displays the amount of listings found against this property unit. Clicking "Latest" will take the user to the latest listing record created.
On the top right corner the selection box is found. Upon marking this box the unit will be available for a mass action.
Depending on whether the Unit has its own property hierarchy the blue link "Building Stack" can be clicked and it will redirect the user to the building stack of that particular unit. This can be handy when a multi level hierarchy is set in place. An example of this could be Project, Buildings, Units within the Buildings.
When the "Add Listing" button is clicked it will redirect the user to the Listing Creation Wizard and a new listing will be associated to that unit.
The "Edit Property" button will direct the user to the edit page of the typical Salesforce user interface.
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