Using Tasks Follow
What's the best way to stay on top of day to day activities and set reminders for yourself? Propertybase Tasks of course! Tasks are a Propertybase object designed to help you stay organized. Tasks contain helpful features like pre-filtered lists, notification options and the ability to be created and updated quickly. In this article we go in-depth and cover all there is to know about Tasks in Propertybase.
Creating & Viewing Tasks
To create a new Task, simply click the arrow next to the Task tab and select "New Task".
Alternatively, you can create a new Task from the Task record overview page. You can navigate to this page by clicking the app launcher and selecting "Tasks".
From the Task record overview page, simply click "New Task" in the top right corner.
If you are following along in your account, you might have already noticed that you can view all Tasks assigned to you from the Task record overview page. On this page, Tasks are sorted by Due Date. With the most recent or upcoming Tasks listed first.
Clicking on a Task will display additional detials on the right side of the screen. From here, you can modify specific Task fields using the available actions buttons, or simply click the Task title to open the entire Task record.
Task Structure
Tasks in Propertybase contain all of the elements you would normally associate with a task in the real world, plus some! Subject, Assigned To, Date, Time, Comments and Priority are all self-explanatory fields you would expect to find. However, there are some fields that are less obvious. Let's review those below.
Task type is used to define what needs to happen in order for a given Task to be completed. Is this a Phone Call? Meeting? Email? Setting the Task type allows you to quickly filter or search for Tasks related to a specific type. Want to knock out all your daily emails at one time? Filter by Task type "Email" and you'll be presented with a handy list.
Out of context, one would think this was simply the name of a given Task. However, that honor goes to Subject. Task "Name" is simply a list of Contacts that should be related to a given Task.
For example: If you are creating a Task to be completed by another agent (i.e. User), but you would like specific clients (i.e. Contacts) to be associated with the Task, add them under Name.
Related To
This field allows you to relate the current Task to an existing or new Action. This is helpful when a given Task is a reminder to perform a specific, repeatable Action.
Reminder Set
A pretty self-explanitory field. This is where you decide if you want a reminder for a given Task. If this field is "checked" you will be able to enter a reminder date and time.
This field allows you to specify the current status of a given Task. For example, if you need to perform a Task, but you are currently waiting on someone before you can do so, you may want to set the Task status to "Waiting on someone else".
Tasks & Activity
Along with Calls and Events, Tasks are considered part of Activity. Because of this, Tasks will always show up in the Activity Timeline for related records. As convered in the previous section, the "Name" field on a given Task determines what Contacts should be related to said Task.
For example, in the image above (taken on a Contact record) this particular Contact has two Tasks related to them, which is why they are displaying under Activity Timeline.
Edit Layout
To edit the layout on all the objects, you need to go to the setup gear and click Edit Object > Buttons, Links, and Actions > Select the action you want to change > Edit Layout. Now drag and drop the fields to page, recommendation is a maximum of 8 fields. Save.
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