The Sales Rotation Overview Follow
The Sales Rotation package is a lead allocation tool which allows you to automatically assign Web Enquiries to your Agents.
Ready to set up Sales Rotations? Head to this article "How to set up Sales Rotations".
Use the Sales Rotation to manage your Web enquiries, by allocating them to Agents on a rotational basis. And ensure the leads are followed up with automated email alerts and tasks assigned to the Agents.
How the Rotations work
The Sales Rotation Package adds a pick-list field called "Rotation Name" to the Enquiry Object to enable you to define a Sales Rotation for new enquiries to be allocated to.This field matches a Sales Rotation record that has a list of Agents for the new enquiry to be allocated to. The Sales Rotation will then, allocate the new enquiries to the Agents to follow-up, on a Rotational basis.
Sales Rotation Notifications
When a new enquiry is assigned, a Task is created for the Agent and an email notification is sent to the Sales Agent to follow up.
Sales Rotation Assignment Rules
- The Rotation is based on the list of Assigned Members within the Rotation.
- To be eligible for allocations the Sales Rotation Members need to be made Active in their User Profile. The checkbox "Sales Rotation Active" has to be checked.
- Sales Rotation Members can have Rostered Days on and Rostered Days off, and will be skipped in the Rotation if they are not rostered on. The Rostered Days on is defined on the Users Profile. The days will be introduced in the field: "Working days".
- If a new enquiry is made after 4pm Sale Rotation will treat that enquiry as being made the following day and allocate it accordingly. For example if an enquiry is made at 9pm it will be allocated to Agents rostered on for the following day.
- If there are no Active Members, the Package will assign the Request to the Default Rotation User.
- If the Default Rotation User is not an active user of Propertybase, an email will be sent to all Users that have the "Receive Rotation Admin Emails" ticked on their user record.
- If no valid Rotation exists, an email will be sent to all Users that have the "Receive Rotation Admin Emails" ticked on their user record.
Re-Enquiry Assignment Options
The Sales Rotation Settings page has options for managing enquiries for Contacts that already exist.
1) Assign to Contact Owner
- The Agent who already owns that Contact will be notified that the client is re-enquiring and allocated that enquiry.
2) Assign to Previous Rotation Member
- If the new enquiry is for the same Rotation as a previous enquiry and the agent is an active member of the Rotation then the enquiry will be routed back to the agent that managed the previous enquiry.
- If the agent that handled the previous enquiry is no longer an active member of the Rotation then the enquiry will be routed to a new Rotation member.
- If the new enquiry is for a different Rotation than any previous enquiry then the enquiry will be allocated as per the list of members on the new Rotation.
3) Reallocate to new owner
- The enquiry will be allocated as per the list of members on the new Rotation. Previous contact owners will be ignored.
Listing Owner Priority
If Sales Rotation is able to identify the listing that the enquiry is for then you can configure Sales Rotation to assign the enquiry to the Listing Owner in priority to the members of the Rotation.
This requires the Listing ID or the Broker Listing ID to be supplied with the enquiry and entered in the Portal Listing ID (pbasr__Portal_Listing_Id__c) field on the enquiry record.
For Listing Owner Priority to work it also requires the Match Listings to be ticked.
Match Listings
Match Listings will create a Linked Listing (Enquiry Schedule) record if it is able to find a listing.
As above, this requires the Listing ID or the Broker Listing ID to be supplied with the enquiry and entered in the Portal Listing ID (pbasr__Portal_Listing_Id__c) field on the enquiry record.
**Further Please Note** - For matching to occur, Sales Rotations will match the Enquiry Listing ID to one of Listing ID fields that you have specified in the below setting sales_rotation_listing_match_fields.
If you are publishing Propertybase Listings to the Real Estate Portals, the Portal Feedback parsing service in Control Center can automatically publish the or the Listing ID to the Listing related Portal Listing record and this is how the matching occurs via Sales Rotations, to create the Enquiry Schedule/Linked Listing record.
If you are not publishing Propertybase Listings to Real Estate Portals (or you would like for matching to occur for other Portals such as Development Ready etc), then you can manually enter the or the Listing ID on the below fields on the Listing record in Propertybase and this is how the matching occurs via Sales Rotations, to create the Enquiry Schedule/Linked Listing record.
FrontDesk Priority
If your organisation has multiple FrontDesk email accounts, Sales Rotation can be configured to assign the enquiries based on the FrontDesk email address on the enquiry.
This requires multiple FrontDesk inboxes and also requires these to be entered to the user record in the Front Desk Email field .
The FrontDesk email address also needs to be provided with the enquiry and entered in the Front Desk Email (pbasr__Front_Desk_Email__c) field on the enquiry record. Please contact to verify this.
Advanced Concept - Multiple Rotations - A Development Project Example
As an example the Package provides you with the flexibility to have multiple Sales Rotations set up to manage the Organisation’s requests and assign these requests to Agents working on different Projects.
Each Project can have a separate Sales Rotation, with a different list of Users for each project with the enquiries being allocated among those agents.
New enquiries need to define in the Rotation Name field on the Request object which Sales Rotation the enquiriy should be allocated to.
Here are the FAQs for Sales Rotations
Firstly let Propertybase Support know that you would like to install the Sales Rotation and we can install this for you. Once this has been installed, you can follow the instructions in this help file: How to set up Sales Rotations, to get your Sales Rotation up and running.
You can have a separate rotation for each project and use the name of the project as the Name of each Sales Rotation.
For video instructions on how to set this up, click on the video play button below.
Yes you can manually assign the enquiries to the rotation from the Request record by simply choosing the Sales Rotation from the Rotation Name picklist field.
If you are using the WebToProspect API to create new contacts in Propertybase then you will have to ask your Web Programmer to add in the API Field name for the Sales Rotation (pbasr__Rotation_Name__c) on the Request object to the data submitted through the API. The package will then allocate the enquiry accordingly.
If you are not using the WebToProspect API then you will have to create internal workflows to set the Rotation Name field on the Request object in accordance with your own defined workflow trigger.
If you want to take an agent out of an allocation temporarily you can deactivate them by editing their member record and unticking the 'Active' checkbox. You can reactivate them to the Rotation, by ticking this Acitve checkbox on their member record.
If a Sales Agent is on sick/holiday leave or has left the organisation you can deactivate them from all rotations from their User Record by simply unticking the Sales Rotation Active tickbox. Once they have returned from leave, you can reactivate them to all Rotations, by ticking this Acitve checkbox on their user record.
This can be tracked by clicking on the Sales Rotation Member ID and viewing the assignment history for that user/rotation.
Additionally you could build a report on tasks and filter by the subject line of the task "Call Regarding New Enquiry".
Enquiries originated from the website are created by the Website User and the Website User allocates the enquiry and sets the tasks. If the tasks are being created on the wrong day then please ensure the Web Users Timezone (access through Build > Develop >Sites > Webservices) is set to the correct Timezone.
You can add a setting to your Propertybase Settings Tab to adjust this. Firstly enter the Name and Key as 'pbasr_Task_Subject', then in the Value enter the Subject Line that you would like the task to display.
Check Settings tab for sales_rotation_listing_match_fields to ensure the API name for the portal listing ID is inserted (e.g. pba__Broker_s_Listing_ID__c; CVIEW_ID__c). The portal listing ID must also be on the listing record. The ID will be located from the enquiry source and the listing to create an enquiry schedule.
By design, the email alert provides a link to the Propertybase so the
user can open the enquiry link to insert other relevant details in Propertybase, thus maximizing its value to your organization.
You can add the Sales Rotation Distributors setting, which allows you to list the user ids who automatically forward new enquiries of their contacts to the sales rotation instead of re-enquiring them to the user. Any enquiries by contacts owned by these users are treated as new enquiries and are rotated to a sales rotation member.
NB for Web to Prospect leads, when you add this Setting ensure that you add the Web User ID as well to the list so that the leads are not assigned to the Web User and are allocated correctly to the Rotation Members.
No. | Questions | Answers |
1) | How do I set up my Sales Rotation? | Firstly let Propertybase Support know that you would like to install the Sales Rotation and we can install this for you. Once this has been installed, you can follow the instructions in this help file: How to set up Sales Rotations, to get your Sales Rotation up and running. |
2) | How do I set up Multiple Sales Rotations for each Project? |
You can have a separate rotation for each project and use the name of the project as the Name of each Sales Rotation. For video instructions on how to set this up, click on the video play button below. |
3) | I want to have reception / sales manger manually define what Rotation to put this on, is this possible? | Yes you can manually assign the enquiries to the rotation from the Request record by simply choosing the Sales Rotation from the Rotation Name picklist field. |
4) | How do I have the allocation automated? |
If you are using the WebToProspect API to create new contacts in Propertybase then you will have to ask your Web Programmer to add in the API Field name for the Sales Rotation (pbasr__Rotation_Name__c) on the Request object to the data submitted through the API. The package will then allocate the enquiry accordingly. If you are not using the WebToProspect API then you will have to create internal workflows to set the Rotation Name field on the Request object in accordance with your own defined workflow trigger. |
5) | How can I temporarily deactivate a Member from receiving new Sales Requests on a specific Rotation? | If you want to take an agent out of an allocation temporarily you can deactivate them by editing their member record and unticking the 'Active' checkbox. You can reactivate them to the Rotation, by ticking this Acitve checkbox on their member record. |
6) | Can I temporarily deactivate a Member from ALL Sales Rotations if they are on leave? | If a Sales Agent is on sick/holiday leave or has left the organisation you can deactivate them from all rotations from their User Record by simply unticking the Sales Rotation Active tickbox. Once they have returned from leave, you can reactivate them to all Rotations, by ticking this Acitve checkbox on their user record. |
7) | How can I see which Requests have been allocated to an Agent? |
This can be tracked by clicking on the Sales Rotation Member ID and viewing the assignment history for that user/rotation. Additionally you could build a report on tasks and filter by the subject line of the task "Call Regarding New Enquiry". |
8) | The due date for the Task is not correct for web originated enquiries, how do I adjust this? | Enquiries originated from the website are created by the Website User and the Website User allocates the enquiry and sets the tasks. If the tasks are being created on the wrong day then please ensure the Web Users Timezone (access through Build > Develop >Sites > Webservices) is set to the correct Timezone. |
9) | How do I edit the Subject Line of the Automated email notifications to Agents? | You can add a setting to your Propertybase Settings Tab to adjust this. Firstly enter the Name and Key as 'pbasr_Task_Subject', then in the Value enter the Subject Line that you would like the task to display. |
10) |
Why aren't Enquiry Schedules being created? |
Check Settings tab for sales_rotation_listing_match_fields to ensure the API name for the portal listing ID is inserted (e.g. pba__Broker_s_Listing_ID__c; CVIEW_ID__c). The portal listing ID must also be on the listing record. The ID will be located from the enquiry source and the listing to create an enquiry schedule. |
11) | Can I change the verbiage in the task notification "Call Regarding New Enquiry"? | By design, the email alert provides a link to the Propertybase so the user can open the enquiry link to insert other relevant details in Propertybase, thus maximizing its value to your organization. |
12) | How do I exclude a user from receiving Leads, such as an Admin who is the current Contact Owner of most leads? |
You can add the Sales Rotation Distributors setting, which allows you to list the user ids who automatically forward new enquiries of their contacts to the sales rotation instead of re-enquiring them to the user. Any enquiries by contacts owned by these users are treated as new enquiries and are rotated to a sales rotation member. NB for Web to Prospect leads, when you add this Setting ensure that you add the Webuser ID as well to the list so that the leads are not assigned to the Webuser and are allocated correctly to the Rotation Members. |
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