User-Tasks&Calendars From the Home Screen we can easily manage our tasks and appointments. The first step to tracking or adding a task is to click on the Track Activity button in the middle of the page. And what that does is brings us to the Task screen. And what a task is is something we have to do. It can be in the future. It actually can also be in the past. So let's say we need to call a plumber for one of our listings. And the due date is today, because we need to make sure that gets done. And the listing-- we can relate it to so we know-- let's say it's for this one, 563 Madison Avenue. A plumber needed to fix kitchen sink. The status has not started, and the priority can be as you set it. We can also set the application up to notify us by email. Or if this was a regular event that we needed to do, we could create a recurrent series. If we had any files or anything that we would like to attach to this task, we can attach those here. So if we click on Save, we save the task and the application pops up immediately and shows us that we have this due today already, because it's in the past, it's already overdue. We can dismiss it or delay it as we need to do. To manage your calendar from inside the application, the easiest thing to do is actually click on the Plan Appointments or Other Events link in the middle of the page. If we click on OK, what it does is opens us up into the Calendar page and we can easily fill out our details. Now in Propertybase on the left side if you see a red line, what that means is that it's a required field. So we need to name the assigned person, which in this case, will be me. It actually can be any user in our system, so if I push this up and I want to assign it to my boss, I can click on there, and assign it to him. The subject will be Meet With Potential Investor, and we can relate it to a listing, perhaps. And let's just say we're going to relate it to this listing, 563 Madison Avenue. So what we have now is a Calendar event in the future, and it's related to this record. Now we go down and we define the time where it's actually going to start. Let's say it's going to be tomorrow, and the time is going to be at 10 AM to 11 AM. We can stick the location in there if we want, or any sort of description that we might want to put inside. We can also create recurring meetings if we want to, and set when the reminders happen. Now if there's a document that we need to attend to during this meeting, we can attach them here. We can see at the bottom of the application, we can see Max's calendar because we want to make sure we don't schedule him when he's already in a meeting. We can add others by clicking the Add Invitees button. So let's do that. Users and Contacts. I'll set myself in there. Brian Hoyt. And Insert Selected. And click on Done. And now you can see we have Max and Brian together in a meeting tomorrow. Click on Save, and you're done.
What are tasks and calendars in Propertybase
Tasks an calendars in Propertybase are a simple way to manage your time. Tasks are simply todo items that need to be marked complete. You can see these represented in your tasks and calendars screen. Activities, are appointments or reminders that should be completed at a specific time.
Why are tasks and calendars important?
Tasks and calendars are key to maintaining productivity throughout your day. You can integrate your key activities with Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar. Propertybase also relates these items to other records in the system so you always know not only what you are doing and when but what item the activity is related to.
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